Having used lmerTest::lmer()
to perform linear regression with repeated measures data I would like to adjust for multiple comparisons.
I ran several models and used Bonferroni-Holm to adjust each of them, see my approach below.
Eventually, I would like to generate a regression table with modelsummary which should include the adjusted p-values and additional goodness-of-fit statistics (alike in this SO post).
– Maybe there is also a much easier way in modelsummary()
to adjust the p-values that I am not aware of yet?
(both for models individually as well as for/across a group of models altogether)
mod1 <- lmer(mpg ~ hp + (1 | cyl), data = mtcars)
mod2 <- lmer(mpg ~ hp + (1 | gear), data = mtcars)
l_mod <- list("mod1" = mod1, "mod2" = mod2)
# msummary(l_mod) # works well
adjMC <- function( model ) {
model_glht <- glht(model)
model_mc_adj <- summary(model_glht, test = adjusted('holm')) # Bonferroni-Holm is less conservative and uniformly more powerful than Bonferroni
mod1_adj <- adjMC(mod1)
mod2_adj <- adjMC(mod2)
l_mod_adj <- list("mod1_adj" = mod1_adj, "mod2_adj" = mod2_adj)
However, upon adjusting the p-values the class from the model changes from "lmerModLmerTest" to "summary.glht"
class(mod1) # => "lmerModLmerTest"
class(mod1_adj) # => "summary.glht"
"summary.glht" is among the list of supported models of modelsummary, and I succeed in obtaining the estimates and p-values:
# Parameter | Coefficient | SE | 95% CI | Statistic | df | p
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (Intercept) == 0 | 24.71 | 3.13 | [17.84, 31.57] | 7.89 | 0 | < .001
# hp == 0 | -0.03 | 0.01 | [-0.06, 0.00] | -2.09 | 0 | 0.064
# e.g. with modelsummary:
modelsummary::get_estimates(mod1_adj) # gives more info than broom::tidy(mod1_adj)
However, obtaining the goodness-of-fit statistics did not succeed:
# 'r2()' does not support models of class 'summary.glht'.
# Can't extract residuals from model.
# no 'nobs' method is availableModels of class 'summary.glht' are not yet supported.NULL
broom::glance(mod1_adj) # and also for broom.mixed::glance(mod1_adj)
# => Error: No glance method for objects of class summary.glht
# e.g. with modelsummary:
# => Cannot extract information from models of class "summary.glht".
To be able to include the adjusted p-values in the final regression table I tried to generate a custom class for "summary.glht" with custom functions to extract estimates and goodness-of-fit information.
I scanned summary(mod1_adj)
for the required information, e.g., summary(mod1_adj)$coef
but did not find all the info needed to create the fcts.
# [1] "pfunction" "qfunction" "coefficients" "sigma" "tstat" "pvalues" "type"
tidy.summary.glht <- function(x, ...) {
s <- summary(x, ...)
ret <- tibble::tibble(term = ...,
estimate = s$test$coefficients,
... = ... ,
p-values = s$test$pvalues)
glance.summary.glht <- function(x, ...) {
"Model" = "summary.glht",
... = ...,
"nobs" = stats::nobs(x)
The problem is that the broom
package does have a tidy
method for glht
models, but does not have a glance
method for such models. Since it is only partially supported, modelsummary
can only extract estimates, but not goodness-of-fit statistics, so it breaks. To see this, you could try the get_gof
and get_estimates
from modelsummary
on a ghlt
In contrast, modelsummary
can easily extract both estimates and goodness-of-fit from lmerModLmerTest
models. One approach would thus be to pass a lmerModLmerTest
object to modelsummary
, but to modify the p values on the fly by defining a tidy_custom.CLASSNAME
method as described in the modelsummary
Estimate model:
mod <- lmer(mpg ~ hp + (1 | cyl), data = mtcars)
Then, we define a tidy_custom
method appropriate for your model class (again, see the documentation linked above for details).
Note that, for some reason, the term names are modified slightly when extracting results from a glht
object instead of a lmerModLmerTest
model. This is a problem in the upstream package, so you may want to report it there (not sure if it's broom
or performance
, but it would be easy to check). In any case, this is easy to fix for our purposes by simply adding a gsub
call to our new method:
tidy_custom.lmerModLmerTest <- function(x, ...) {
new <- multcomp::glht(x)
new <- summary(new, test = adjusted('holm'))
out <- get_estimates(new)
out$term <- gsub(" == 0", "", out$term)
modelsummary(mod, statistic = "p.value")
Model 1 | |
(Intercept) | 24.708 |
(0.000) | |
hp | -0.030 |
(0.064) | |
Num.Obs. | 32 |
R2 Marg. | 0.143 |
R2 Cond. | 0.674 |
AIC | 181.9 |
BIC | 187.8 |
ICC | 0.6 |