
How to debug JavaScript embedded in HTML response in Firefox Debugger

I cannot figure out how to debug JavaScript placed in a <script> element loaded together with an HTML response payload. I can view the payload:

JavaScript embedded in HTML response payload

Is it possible to add breakpoints and step through that JavaScript code?


  • To see the JavaScript in the Debugger and be able to debug it, you need to add a //# sourceURL comment at the end of the script to give it a name, see and the description at

    In your case this would look something like this:

    if ($('option_panel_type_file')) {
    //# sourceURL=option-panel

    That makes the Debugger display your script under the name "option-panel".

    Having said that, note that for security reasons, JavaScript code embedded within HTML is not executed when you add the HTML dynamically, e.g. via innerHTML, see for more info.

    So in order to get the code executed, you need to load it separately from the HTML and embed it e.g. by adding a <script> element.

    Though as you're obviously using jQuery, note that its html() function circumvents that restriction warns about this in its documentation.