I have a ConfigLoader which I'm pretty sure works fine. I suspect I am not using application.conf file correctly or perhaps my directory containing the prd.env and dev.env is not in the correct place.
What I expect to happen:
I when I enter sbt run
the ConfigLoader reads the application.conf file, sees there are variables within that file. Then checks if prd.env or dev.env depending on which environment it is in and then finally loads the variables. I want this so I can have a different database for dev and prd.
I really appreciate all the help but please try and detail your answers because I am really stuck and short answers often assume I know more than I do. Thanks :)
Tech stack incase relevant:
application.conf file below:
appone {
environment = ${ENV}
server-config {
url = ${?BASE_URL}
host = ""
port = 8080
db-config {
driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
url = ${?DATABASE_URL}
password = ${?PASSWORD}
connection-threads = 4
Meta/dev.env file (I also have a Meta/prd.env but have shown it here due to contents)
LoadConfig file below:
package com.fullstackryan.appone.config
import cats.ApplicativeError
import cats.implicits._
import pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException
import pureconfig.{ConfigReader, ConfigSource, Derivation}
import shapeless.the
trait LoadConfig[F[_], TConfig] {
def load: F[TConfig]
object LoadConfig {
def load[F[_], TConfig](implicit loadConfig: LoadConfig[F, TConfig]): F[TConfig] =
the[LoadConfig[F, TConfig]].load
def apply[F[_], TConfig](
implicit reader: Derivation[ConfigReader[TConfig]], ae: ApplicativeError[F, Throwable]
): LoadConfig[F, TConfig] =
new LoadConfig[F, TConfig] {
def load: F[TConfig] = ApplicativeError[F, Throwable].fromEither {
pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderException: Cannot convert configuration to a scala.runtime.Nothing$. Failures are:
at 'appone.db-config':
- (application.conf @ jar:file:/Users/ryanmcavoy/fullStackRyan/appone/target/bg-jobs/sbt_3cc4b1f5/job-11/target/419ddc2c/5befcb57/appone_2.13-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/application.conf: 10) Key not found: 'url'.
- (application.conf @ jar:file:/Users/ryanmcavoy/fullStackRyan/appone/target/bg-jobs/sbt_3cc4b1f5/job-11/target/419ddc2c/5befcb57/appone_2.13-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/application.conf: 10) Key not found: 'username'.
- (application.conf @ jar:file:/Users/ryanmcavoy/fullStackRyan/appone/target/bg-jobs/sbt_3cc4b1f5/job-11/target/419ddc2c/5befcb57/appone_2.13-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/application.conf: 10) Key not found: 'pool-size'.
at com.fullstackryan.appone.config.LoadConfig$$anon$1.$anonfun$load$1(LoadConfig.scala:25)
at cats.syntax.EitherOps$.leftMap$extension(either.scala:172)
at com.fullstackryan.appone.config.LoadConfig$$anon$1.load(LoadConfig.scala:25)
at com.fullstackryan.appone.server.ApponeServer$.$anonfun$stream$1(ApponeServer.scala:32)
at com.fullstackryan.appone.server.ApponeServer$.$anonfun$stream$1$adapted(ApponeServer.scala:31)
at fs2.Stream$.$anonfun$flatMap$1(Stream.scala:1188)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$.go$2(Algebra.scala:609)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$.$anonfun$flatMapOutput$1(Algebra.scala:616)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$$anon$1.cont(Algebra.scala:53)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$ViewL$$anon$9$$anon$10.cont(Algebra.scala:242)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$ViewL$.mk(Algebra.scala:231)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$ViewL$.apply(Algebra.scala:220)
at fs2.internal.FreeC.viewL(Algebra.scala:106)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$.go$1(Algebra.scala:414)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$.$anonfun$compile$8(Algebra.scala:464)
at fs2.internal.FreeC$.$anonfun$compile$1(Algebra.scala:430)
addSbtPlugin("io.github.davidgregory084" % "sbt-tpolecat" % "0.1.14")
addSbtPlugin("io.spray" % "sbt-revolver" % "0.9.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.10")
addSbtPlugin("au.com.onegeek" % "sbt-dotenv" % "2.1.204")
// deploy heroku
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.7.6")
addSbtPlugin("com.heroku" % "sbt-heroku" % "2.1.0")
When running via sbt run
, the environment is set by the shell in which you're running sbt. Defining a dev.env
file by itself does nothing.
The mechanism for setting the environment in which sbt is running will vary depending on your shell.
For example if bash is your shell (this is worth trying in other Bourne-compatible shells), prefixing the environment variables with export
, e.g.:
export ENV=dev
Then you incorporate the environment variables you've exported from dev.env
into your bash environment with
source meta/dev.env
Those environment variables will then be set and thus incorporated into your config for the duration of your shell session (i.e. they'll continue across multiple sbt run
s until you exit the shell). If you change dev.env
, they won't be available until you source meta/dev.env