I was looking around for a clean way to do this and I found some workarounds but did not find anything like the slice (some people recommended to use a gem but I think is not needed for this operations, pls correct me if I am wrong), so I found myself with a hash that contains a bunch of hashes and I wanted a way to perform the Slice operation over this hash and get also the key/value pairs from nested hashes, so the question:
Is there something like deep_slice in ruby?
input: a = {b: 45, c: {d: 55, e: { f: 12}}, g: {z: 90}}, keys = [:b, :f, :z]
expected output: {:b=>45, :f=>12, :z=>90}
Thx in advance! 👍
After looking around for a while I decided to implement this myself, this is how I fix it:
a = {b: 45, c: {d: 55, e: { f: 12}}, g: {z: 90}}
keys = [:b, :f, :z]
def custom_deep_slice(a:, keys:)
result = a.slice(*keys)
a.keys.each do |k|
if a[k].class == Hash
result.merge! custom_deep_slice(a: a[k], keys: keys)
c_deep_slice = custom_deep_slice(a: a, keys: keys)
p c_deep_slice
The code above is a classic DFS, which takes advantage of the merge! provided by the hash class.
You can test the code above here