we installed small HDP cluster with one data-node machine
HDP version is 2.6.5
and ambari version is 2.6.1
so this is new cluster that contain two name-node with only one data-node ( worker machine )
the interesting behavior that we see is that increasing of under replica
on ambari dashboard , for now the number is 15000
under replica blocks
as we know the most root cause of this problem is network issues between name node to data-node
but this isn't the case in our hadoop cluster
we can also decrease the under replica by the following procedure
su - <$hdfs_user>
bash-4.1$ hdfs fsck / | grep 'Under replicated' | awk -F':' '{print $1}' >> /tmp/under_replicated_files
-bash-4.1$ for hdfsfile in `cat /tmp/under_replicated_files`; do echo "Fixing $hdfsfile :" ; hadoop fs -setrep 3 $hdfsfile; done
but we not want to do it because under replica problem should not happens from beginning
and maybe need to tune some HDFS parameters , but we not sure about this
please let us know about any advice that can help us
If under replicated blocks problem happening since the install of the cluster, check following property:-
This decided how many replica needs to be created, if you have one datanode
then this should be set to 1
From the metrics page everything looks fine to me,