
Crashlytics don't report crashes in firebase

Application using Dexguard(8.4.9), Crashlytics(17.2.2), CrashlyticsGradle(2.3.0) Already insert a lot of rules in dexguard-rules and not solved that. All help will be welcome.


D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Checking for crash reports... D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Found crash report /data/user/0/com.xxxxxxx/files/ D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Reports are being sent. D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Starting report processing in 1.0 second(s)... D/FirebaseCrashlytics: No log data to include with this event. D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Update app request ID: aca879994130dcc6ab3f551k2j4bjj23 D/FirebaseCrashlytics: No log data to include with this event. D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Result was 204 D/FirebaseCrashlytics: Crashlytics report could not be enqueued to DataTransport java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Transport backend 'cct' is not registered at$$Lambda$ at$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at


  • To solve the problem with Firebase Crashlytics you have to put in your minefest:

    <service android:exported="false" android:name="">
        <meta-data android:name="" android:value="cct"/>