I want to make a python program that can check if a google meet is open/available to join (like doing ping meet.google.com/custom-meeting-link from cmd). Are there any modules I could use/any way of doing this?
If ping method works you can use that (even if not in native python)
import subprocess
ret = subprocess.run(["ping", "https://meet.google.com/custom-meeting-link"])
And then check ret
A different method is to requests the page and parse it. Keeping it simple, you can just check the title of the page (here using bs4
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = requests.get("meet.google.com/custom-meeting-link")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, 'html.parser')
titlestring = soup.find('title').text
# If title string contains the title of the error page, there's no meeting, else it is online
I checked if it was possible to infer the meeting status just from the requests.get()
response but it doesn't seem possible.