There are two releases that can be obtained from a GitHub repo (Binary Releases and Package Releases) as shown below:
I want to use Ansible to retrieve Package Releases from my GitHub Repo
I did some searching on Ansible docs and found a collection community.general.github_release
but this gives the latest Release
binaries of the repo and not Package Releases
Can anyone help if they know a collection that can fetch Package Releases from GitHub ?
Appreciate any help. Thanks
You can use Github GraphQL API (as shown in this question and this one) such as:
# Tasks that may be included in an Ansible playbook or role depending on your needs
# Some variables to define to identify your repository
# They may be set as playbook or role variables as well
# You'll need a Bearer token (see
- set_fact:
bearer_token: YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN
repository_name: repository-name
repository_owner: repository-owner
- name: Retrieve packages for repository
method: POST
body: '{"query":
"query { repository(name: \"{{ repository_name }}\", owner: \"{{ repository_owner }}\") {
packages(first:10) { nodes { name, packageType, latestVersion {
version, files(first:100) { nodes { url } }
} } }
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: "application/vnd.github.packages-preview+json"
Authorization: "bearer {{ bearer_token }}"
register: github_packages_json
This will provide an output like:
"json": {
"data": {
"repository": {
"packages": {
"nodes": [
"latestVersion": {
"files": {
"nodes": [
"url": ""
"url": ""
"version": "my-package-1.2.3"
"name": "my-package",
"packageType": "DOCKER"
Depending on packageType
you may need to perform different action. For example, a DOCKER
would require you to pull the image such as:
- name: pull docker
shell: docker pull{{ repository_owner | lower }}/{{ repository_name }}/{{ docker_image_name }}:{{ docker_image_version }}
docker_image_name: "{{[0].name }}"
docker_image_version: "{{[0].latestVersion.version }}"