
responseJSON json parse in Alamofire

I am getting json form server. But json parsing nil in swift. Here is my json


I tried bellow code to out_code using Alamofire & swiftjson

func getData(){
    Alamofire.request("url", method: .post,parameters: [
    ]).responseJSON{(responseData) -> Void in
        if((responseData.result.value != nil)){
            let swiftyJsonVar = JSON(responseData.result.value!)
            if let v_id = swiftyJsonVar["out_code"] as? String {

swiftyJsonVar== in print like bellow

    "out_code" : "0",
    "out_message" : null

But I did not get data from out_code key. Please help me what is wrong with my code...


  • Apparently you are using SwiftyJSON library.

    Casting for each type is been handled from the library. Try using the following code instead of casting to String:

    if let v_id = swiftyJsonVar["out_code"].string {