I am running Armbian 20.11.3 Buster v5.4.83 Minimal in an Odroid HC1.
The site freemyip.com offers free DDNS and doesn't need a client to update the DDNS. Instead, you set up your server to run a command as a cronjob. Once the server visits the specific URL, the DDNS gets updated.
The site's instructions say that there is a specific syntax for the command I need to run to update the DDNS. You can read the instructions here, at the section saying "If you have an always-on Linux on your network (or Raspbian on Raspberry Pi),"
So I am trying to run the command to make Armbian visit a specific URL every 20 minutes. The command is:
sudo (crontab -l;echo "*/19 * * * * curl \"https://freemyip.com/update?token=12345678901234567890123456789&domain=domain_name_here.freemyip.com\">/dev/null 2>&1")|crontab -
But when I try to run the command, I get the error:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `crontab'
Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
Your problem is that you are using the sudo
command in front of it. Remove it, and it will work just fine.