I am using an Azure Pipeline that runs automatically when I make a commit to my GitHub repository. The .yml file generates a .msixupload file (for UWP) for upload to the Microsoft Store. However, I cannot upload the generated .msixupload file, as the version number in the .appxmanifest file never changes, and I am attempting to build an update for an existing app. How can I increment the version number each time the Azure Pipeline is run?
I have tried adding
to the .appxmanifest file as described here: How do I auto increment the package version number?, but that has not made any difference.
You can use powershell scripts to change the version value in appxmanifest file. See below example:
In your yaml pipeline. You can set variables like below: See here for more information about counter
major: 1
minor: 0
build: $(Build.BuildId)
version: $[counter(variables['major'], 0)]
Then add powershell task to run below script to update the version value:
- powershell: |
$path = "Msix/Package.appxmanifest"
$doc = [System.Xml.Linq.XDocument]::Load($path)
$xName =
$doc.Root.Element($xName).Attribute("Version").Value =
displayName: 'Version Package Manifest'
Please check this document for more information.
Since appxmanifest file is just text-based XML file. You can also use Extension tool Magic Chunks task to change version value in appxmanifest file . Check this thread for example.