I have an angular autocomplete-tree component and I have an issue with the autocomplete panel width.
I have two requirements that I can solve individually but not together:
[panelWidth] = "auto"
for this and it works perfectly.From Change the mat-autocomplete width?) I saw I can use [panelWidth] = "auto"
I know I can use the css styling
.mat-autocomplete-panel{min-width: "300px"}
but don't know how to get the width of the specific input.
So I resorted to javascript. I saw in the documentation that AutocompletePanel exposes the panel ElementRef, but this value seems to be undefined no matter what I do? Is the right way to acquire this value with @ViewChild
I have the following code that runs on the opened
<mat-autocomplete #autocomplete (opened)="opened()" [panelWidth]="auto" #auto="matAutocomplete">
@ViewChild("auto") autocomplete: MatAutocomplete;
@ViewChild("autoTreeInput") autoTreeInput: ElementRef;
opened = () => {
let p = this.autocomplete.panel?.nativeElement; //always null because panel is undefi
console.log("opened", p, this.autocomplete);
if (!p ) return
p.style.minWidth =
this.autoTreeInput.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().width + "px";
The panel elementRef shows up after (not on) opened
event is fired. More specifically, after the panel is added to the DOM. So simply adding a setTimeout
in which I get the element works. Unfortunately this means that the element shows up with the wrong width and then jumps to the width of the input.
There might be a better solution, but this is what I'm going with now.
opened = ()=> {
let inputWidth = this.autoInput.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().width
let panel = this.autocomplete.panel?.nativeElement;
if (!panel ) return
panel.style.minWidth = inputWidth + "px";