I have an R plotly stacked bar chart where it's broken out by date. I am trying to change the order from the oldest date 10/1/2020 to the newest date 01/01/2021 on top. I noticed in the current state that it's not even in the correct order of dates. The data frame shows in the correct order.
The current code I have.
ramp2 <- colorRamp(c("deepskyblue4", "white"))
ramp.list2 <- rgb( ramp2(seq(0, 1, length = 15)), max = 255)
x = ~reorder(u_reason_code,-total_qty, sum), y = ~total_qty, type = 'bar', color = ~month_breakout ) %>%
layout(list(title = 'Cost'), barmode = 'stack') %>%
layout(colorway = ramp.list2) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE)
Try formating your date as factor with next code (not tested as no data was shared):
#Process data
pcd_2$Date <- as.Date(pcd_2$month_breakout,'%m/%d/%Y')
pcd_2 <- pcd_2[order(pcd_2$Date),]
pcd_2$month_breakout <- factor(pcd_2$month_breakout,
levels = unique(pcd_2$month_breakout),
ordered = T)
ramp2 <- colorRamp(c("deepskyblue4", "white"))
ramp.list2 <- rgb( ramp2(seq(0, 1, length = 15)), max = 255)
x = ~reorder(u_reason_code,-total_qty, sum), y = ~total_qty, type = 'bar', color = ~month_breakout ) %>%
layout(list(title = 'Cost'), barmode = 'stack') %>%
layout(colorway = ramp.list2) %>%
config(displayModeBar = FALSE)