I went through the documentation here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/pyspark.sql.html
It says:
And a previous question also mentions it. However, I still don't understand how exactly they differ and what the impact will be when choosing one over the other?
More importantly, if repartition does hash partitioning, what impact does providing columns as its argument have?
I think it is best to look into the difference with some experiments.
For this experiment, I am using the following two Dataframes (I am showing the code in Scala but the concept is identical to Python APIs):
// Dataframe with one column "value" containing the values ranging from 0 to 1000000
val df = Seq(0 to 1000000: _*).toDF("value")
// Dataframe with one column "value" containing 1000000 the number 0 in addition to the numbers 5000, 10000 and 100000
val df2 = Seq((0 to 1000000).map(_ => 0) :+ 5000 :+ 10000 :+ 100000: _*).toDF("value")
applies the HashPartitioner
when one or more columns are provided and the RoundRobinPartitioner
when no column is provided. If one or more columns are provided (HashPartitioner), those values will be hashed and used to determine the partition number by calculating something like partition = hash(columns) % numberOfPartitions
. If no column is provided (RoundRobinPartitioner) the data gets evenly distributed across the specified number of partitions.
will partition the data based on a range of the column values. This is usually used for continuous (not discrete) values such as any kind of numbers. Note that due to performance reasons this method uses sampling to estimate the ranges. Hence, the output may not be consistent, since sampling can return different values. The sample size can be controlled by the config spark.sql.execution.rangeExchange.sampleSizePerPartition
It is also worth mentioning that for both methods if numPartitions
is not given, by default it partitions the Dataframe data into spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
configured in your Spark session, and could be coalesced by Adaptive Query Execution (available since Spark 3.x).
Based on the given Testdata I am always applying the same code:
val testDf = df
// here I will insert the partition logic
.withColumn("partition", spark_partition_id()) // applying SQL built-in function to determine actual partition
As expected, we get 4 partitions and because the values of df
are ranging from 0 to 1000000 we see that their hashed values will result in a well distributed Dataframe.
|partition|count |min_value|max_value|
|0 |249911|12 |1000000 |
|1 |250076|6 |999994 |
|2 |250334|2 |999999 |
|3 |249680|0 |999998 |
Also in this case, we get 4 partitions but this time the min and max values clearly shows the ranges of values within a partition. It is almost equally distributed with 250000 values per partition.
|partition|count |min_value|max_value|
|0 |244803|0 |244802 |
|1 |255376|244803 |500178 |
|2 |249777|500179 |749955 |
|3 |250045|749956 |1000000 |
Now, we are using the other Dataframe df2
. Here, the hashing algorithm is hashing the values which are only 0, 5000, 10000 or 100000. Of course, the hash of the value 0 will always be the same, so all Zeros end up in the same partition (in this case partition 3). The other three partitions only contain one value.
|partition|count |min_value|max_value|
|0 |1 |100000 |100000 |
|1 |1 |10000 |10000 |
|2 |1 |5000 |5000 |
|3 |1000001|0 |0 |
Without using the content of the column "value" the repartition
method will distribute the messages on a RoundRobin basis. All partitions have almost the same amount of data.
|partition|count |min_value|max_value|
|0 |250002|0 |5000 |
|1 |250002|0 |10000 |
|2 |249998|0 |100000 |
|3 |250002|0 |0 |
This case shows that the Dataframe df2
is not well defined for a repartitioning by range as almost all values are 0. Therefore, we end up having only two partitions whereas the partition 0 contains all Zeros.
|partition|count |min_value|max_value|
|0 |1000001|0 |0 |
|1 |3 |5000 |100000 |