I have downloaded some GTFS-RT Trip Updates data in dictionary format using this code:
from google.transit import gtfs_realtime_pb2
import requests
import pandas as pd
feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
# requests will fetch the results from a url, in this case, the positions of all buses
response = requests.get('link')
# Use the data as a dict
from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict
# convert to dict from our original protobuf feed
buses_dict = protobuf_to_dict(feed)
The output dictionary is a dictionary with many nested dictionaries. The trip updates of one bus has the following format:
id: "14010512942203036"
trip_update {
trip {
trip_id: "14010000550082549"
start_date: "20210120"
schedule_relationship: SCHEDULED
stop_time_update {
stop_sequence: 24
arrival {
delay: -20
time: 1611145420
uncertainty: 0
departure {
delay: 52
time: 1611145492
uncertainty: 0
stop_id: "9022001005006001"
stop_time_update {
stop_sequence: 25
arrival {
delay: 52
time: 1611146092
departure {
delay: 52
time: 1611146092
stop_id: "9022001005007002"
vehicle {
id: "9031001004002234"
timestamp: 1611145514
Do you have any idea on how to convert this data in a more useful format? Let's say pandas dataframe.
Thank you in advance!
I used this url for testing:
url = 'https://cdn.mbta.com/realtime/VehiclePositions.pb'
All you need to do is add this line to the end of your script for a pandas dataframe
It'll break this dictionary into these columns
Index(['id', 'vehicle.trip.trip_id', 'vehicle.trip.start_time',
'vehicle.trip.start_date', 'vehicle.trip.schedule_relationship',
'vehicle.trip.route_id', 'vehicle.trip.direction_id',
'vehicle.position.latitude', 'vehicle.position.longitude',
'vehicle.position.bearing', 'vehicle.current_stop_sequence',
'vehicle.current_status', 'vehicle.timestamp', 'vehicle.stop_id',
'vehicle.vehicle.id', 'vehicle.vehicle.label',
'vehicle.occupancy_status', 'vehicle.position.speed'],