Trying to finish up an implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Racket and I'm adding types to everything. I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly I need to do to get the classes from the gui lib typed correctly.
(: new-timer (Instance Timer%))
(define new-timer (new timer% [interval 400]
[notify-callback (lambda () (begin
(set-field! grd cv (next-grid (get-field grd cv) ROW COLUMNS))
(send cv on-paint)))]))
(: new-canvas% Canvas%)
(define new-canvas% (class canvas%
(inherit get-dc suspend-flush resume-flush)
(field [dc : (Instance DC<%>) (get-dc)] [grd : Grid (make-grid ROW COLUMNS)])
(define/override (on-char char)
(let ([event (send char get-key-code)])
[(and (char? event) (char=? event #\space)) (send new-timer stop)])))
(define/override (on-paint)
(send dc erase)
(render-grid grd ROW COLUMNS dc)
(: cv (Instance Canvas%))
(define cv (new new-canvas% [parent main-frame]))
I'm getting this error below
/Documents/conways-game-of-life/main.rkt:49:83: Type Checker: type mismatch;
; the object is missing an expected field
; field: grd
; object type: (Instance Canvas%)
; in: (get-field grd cv)
; Context:
; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/promise.rkt:128:5
; /home/diego/Documents/conways-game-of-life/main.rkt:49:53: Type Checker: type mismatch;
; expected an object with field grd
; given: (Instance Canvas%)
; in: (set-field! grd cv (next-grid (get-field grd cv) ROW COLUMNS))
I think it because canvas doesn't normally have a grd field but every time I try to give my canvas the type declaration (: cv (Instance new-canvas%))
It says it's unbound. Full file and all code can be found here. Does anyone have any ideas?
In the definition of new-timer
, you're trying to get the grd
field of cv
And although cv
is an instance of the class new-canvas%
, its type does not include that field. You need to create a new Class
type for new-canvas%
. By convention, it should be a capitalized version like New-Canvas%
(define-type New-Canvas% (Class ....))
(: new-canvas% New-Canvas%)
(define new-canvas% (class ....))
(: cv (Instance New-Canvas%))
(define cv (new .....))
The New-Canvas%
type you define using Class
should specify the new field grd
, as well as specifying that it's a subclass of Canvas%