I have just started trying Haskell after using Python, and I'm facing a lot of problems understanding it
for example after I tried to make a new type called ListBag and writing a simple function to convert list to ListBag I can't go back and do anything with that data:
data ListBag a = LB [(a,Int)] deriving (Show,Eq)
fromList :: (Ord a) => [a] ->ListBag a
fromList xs = LB [ y| y<- ys]
where ys = toList(fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs])
a :: [Integer]
b = fromList a
Now b
LB [(1,6),(2,3),(3,4),(4,1),(5,2)]
and because b
is b :: ListBag Integer
it can't be mapped or ...
So how can I convert it to List again?
Firstly, your ListBag
doesn't save order in which elements was in initial list, but... you can convert ListBag a
to [a]
like so:
toList :: ListBag a -> [a]
toList (LB ys) = concat $ (\(y, n) -> replicate n y) <$> ys
And you can redefine your fromList
fromList xs = LB $ toList $ fromListWith (+) [ (x, 1) | x <- xs]
Because [ y | y <- ys]
~ ys
and x where x = y
~ y