
Joining two tables and two junction tables

I have these tables:

junction tables:

Basically for every game I want to see the number of teams and the number of players.

Game name - Number of teams - number of player

Using inner join I managed to join games with teams but not with players. I believe it involves multiple select statements?


  • You can join games and teams with the help of the games_teams junction table. Then, you can join that with teams_players to get the player IDs. Note that for this query you don't even need the players table, since you just needs their number:

    SELECT   game_name, 
             COUNT(DISTINCT gt.team_id) AS number_of_teams,
             COUNT(DISTINCT tp.player_id) AS number_of_players
    FROM     games g
    JOIN     games_teams gt on g.game_id = gt.game_id
    JOIN     teams t ON gt.team_id = t.team_id
    JOIN     teams_players tp ON t.team_id = tp.team_id
    GROUP BY game_name