
Custom Razor component a NuGet library behaves differently?

I created 3 components which have the exact same implementation with only 1 difference:

The razor component implementation is as followed:

<input disabled="@Disabled">

@code {
 public bool Disabled { get; set; }

The snippet of the parent implementation:

// The Disabled property is coded as boolean
<MyTest Disabled="@DisableMyTest"/>
<RazorClassLibrary1.Component1 Disabled="@DisableMyTest" />
<CSInput Disabled="@DisableMyTest"/>

  private bool DisableMyTest = false;

For an unknown reason, the compiler issued a CS1503 (cannot convert from 'bool' to 'string') on the Disabled property from CSInput. Any idea why? Many Thanks!


  • figured it out. The weird behavior is caused by me not incrementing the version of the nuget. Whenever you install a Nuget, VS keeps a copy of it in the .nuget\packages directory. If you don't clean up that directory, VS will keep use what it has. Now, where can I get wig....