I created 3 components which have the exact same implementation with only 1 difference:
The razor component implementation is as followed:
<input disabled="@Disabled">
@code {
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
The snippet of the parent implementation:
// The Disabled property is coded as boolean
<MyTest Disabled="@DisableMyTest"/>
<RazorClassLibrary1.Component1 Disabled="@DisableMyTest" />
<CSInput Disabled="@DisableMyTest"/>
private bool DisableMyTest = false;
For an unknown reason, the compiler issued a CS1503 (cannot convert from 'bool' to 'string') on the Disabled property from CSInput. Any idea why? Many Thanks!
figured it out. The weird behavior is caused by me not incrementing the version of the nuget. Whenever you install a Nuget, VS keeps a copy of it in the .nuget\packages directory. If you don't clean up that directory, VS will keep use what it has. Now, where can I get wig....