I try to execute:
with PHP and get false.
Apache 2. PHP Version: 5.3.28, it should change it from script, how i read at php.net documentation.
Currently open_basedir is .:/data/www/vhosts/hostname:/tmp
I try to do it at local server with same OS, Apache and PHP and all ok. I try to set already setted value because i try to debug why i can't put any value there. Help, please !
Typically open_basedir is no value
in php 5. (hence it may return false -- if you are setting it by getting the current value and use var_dump for display).
I suggest you to use the following to see what actual value is the open_basedir in your system:
To further test, please try this code:
ini_set("open_basedir", ".\hello");
echo "The open_basedir value is :". ini_get('open_basedir');