
Flutter Firestorage getDownloadUrl() returns NoSuchMethodError

inside my Flutter app I'm trying to upload an image to Firebase Storage and get the URL afterwards. The image is getting uploaded and I can see it in the web interface, but when I call getDownloadUrl() on a valid reference (I can see the relative path with debugger) I get type 'NoSuchMethodError' is not a subtype of type 'Exception' and the actual error is happening inside method_channel_reference.dart where for some reason, where storage is null and as such throws the Error.

  Future<String /*!*/ > getDownloadURL() async {
    try {
      Map<String, dynamic> data = await
          .invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>(
              'Reference#getDownloadURL', <String, dynamic>{
        'maxOperationRetryTime': storage.maxOperationRetryTime,
        'maxUploadRetryTime': storage.maxUploadRetryTime,
        'maxDownloadRetryTime': storage.maxDownloadRetryTime,
        'bucket': storage.bucket,
        'path': fullPath,

      return data['downloadURL'];
    } catch (e) {
      throw convertPlatformException(e);

The upload code is this:

final uploadTask = _firebaseStorage.ref().child(storagePath).putFile(recipeImage);

    try {
      await uploadTask.whenComplete(() {});
      final url = await uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
      return right<RecipeFailure, String>(url);
    } catch (e) {
      return left<RecipeFailure, String>(RecipeFailure.imageUploadFailed());

I'm using

firebase_core: ^0.7.0
firebase_auth: ^0.20.0+1
firebase_storage: ^7.0.0
cloud_firestore: ^0.16.0

I tried cleaning, rebuilding and downgrading dependencies. At this point I don't how where else to look. I guess the issue is with the storage instance being removed or not initialized at all, but why does the upload work then? Any help is welcomed.


  • When I changed from

    FirebaseStorage get firebaseStorage => FirebaseStorage.instanceFor(bucket: "bucket-url");

    to this

    FirebaseStorage get firebaseStorage => FirebaseStorage.instance;

    the error disappeared and everything was working properly.

    The main reason I have the bucket URLs there was because I was working with project flavors and two Firebase projects. The seperate google-services.json seem to be enough for Android (haven't tested iOS until now). However, why the upload was working, but download not is still a big mistery to me.