
Grouping properties using JAXB annotations

I have a class Product with the following properties: name, dateCreated, createdByUser, dateModified and modifiedByUser, and I'm using JAXB marshalling. I'd like to have output like this:


but ideally I'd like to avoid having to create a separate AuditInfo wrapper class around these properties.

Is there a way to do this with JAXB annotations? I looked at @XmlElementWrapper but that's for collections only.


  • No, I don't believe so. The intermediary class is necessary.

    You can weasel your way around this by having AuditInfo as a nested inner class within Product, and add getter and setter methods to Product which set the fields on the AuditInfo. Clients of Product need never know.

    public class Product {
       private @XmlElement AuditInfo auditInfo = new AuditInfo();
       public void setDateCreated(...) {
          auditInfo.dateCreated = ...
       public static class AuditInfo {
          private @XmlElement String dateCreated;