
How to break in x64dbg from ghidra's corresponding instructions?

I have x64dbg and ghidra synchronized via ret-sync. I found an interesting point in ghidra:

1800382b1   4d 8b e0      MOV              R12,rebitData
1800382b4   48 63 f2      MOVSXD           packetSize_,packetSize

in the listing view; the file my.dll starts at 180000000. So, then in x64dbg I add a dll break for my.dll, and when I'm in, I go to the file offset with ctrl+shift+g and enter 328b4, but I end up at (first line):

00007FF8B2FB32B4 | 06                       | ???             
00007FF8B2FB32B5 | E9 80000000              | jmp my.7FF8B2FB333A    
00007FF8B2FB32BA | 45:8BC6                  | mov r8d,r14d        
00007FF8B2FB32BD | EB 7B                    | jmp my.7FF8B2FB333A   
00007FF8B2FB32BF | 3BFB                     | cmp edi,ebx 
00007FF8B2FB32C1 | 73 22                    | jae my.7FF8B2FB32E5 
00007FF8B2FB32C3 | 41:3BDB                  | cmp ebx,r11d 
00007FF8B2FB32C6 | 76 18                    | jbe my.7FF8B2FB32E0 

where in x64dbg, the file starts at: 00007FF8B2F81000 (CPU tab, module my.dll, main thread X, PID Y).

Obviously the instructions are not the same. (I believe I did the rebase correctly)

How can I make the correspondance ghidra -> x64dbg and break in x64dbg at the "same place" ie., same instructions ?


  • However, this does not work with ret-sync being built in release, only in debug version. This is a bug.