I am using 19c client and my database's NLS parameters like these:
Also my clients specs are:
While (Windows 10 x64) I am using sqplus, I get this(you can see my NLS_LANG environment variable on the top of command line):
My 19c client home regedit NLS_LANG variable also is set to AMERICAN_AMERICA.W8ISO8859P9.
Yet, when I using TOAD for Oracle:
and using SQL Developer:
I got confused. On the internet they say NLS_LANG environment variable should be enough for setting client character set, but clearly it isn' t.
Due to this configuration difference, I am seeing "fıtıkçışahap"(on sqlplus) as "fıtıkçışahap"(on SQL Developer and TOAD for Oracle)
How can I overcome this situation?
Thanks in advance!
My PostgreSQL database' s encoding was tr_TR.UTF8, so still UTF8. It should have been LATIN that support Turkish character set. Changing it to tr_TR.iso8859 solved my problem.