I want modify or extend the process on csv import in Odoo.
I have some fields autocalculated and other needed but is not in the csv file.
Having search the code and try using ir.action.todo, and ir.action.client but dont work.
Any idea, using hooks, or other work?
You just need to inherit the 'base_import.import' model
class Import(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'base_import.import'
def _convert_import_data(self, fields, options):
# Override base method
# Called when actual import start
data, import_fields = super(Import, self)._convert_import_data(fields, options)
# Do something ...
return data, import_fields
def parse_preview(self, options, count=10):
# Override base method
# Called when data loaded
preview_data = super(Import, self).parse_preview(options, count=count)
# Do something ...
return preview_data
but, override the base import method is probably not a good idea, I'd suggest to use custom import wizard to do your custom import.