I am developing a spring boot app with hibernate an liquibase on a postsgre db. When i start the spring boot app, the changelog is updated in the db and the log says, that the script run successfully, but the table is still in the schema.
This is my db.changelog.xml:
<changeSet author="stimpson" id="deletetablehans">
<sqlFile dbms="postgre" encoding="UTF-8" endDelimiter=";"
path="sql/00003_deleteTableHans.sql" relativeToChangelogFile="true"
splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" />
This is my script (deletetablehans.sql in the sql folder):
--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset stimpson:deleteTableHans
This is part of my logfile:
2021-01-25 15:43:50,438 INFO liquibase.lockservice : Changelog-Protokoll erfolgreich gesperrt.
2021-01-25 15:43:50,686 INFO liquibase.changelog : Reading from public.databasechangelog
2021-01-25 15:43:50,704 INFO liquibase.changelog : ChangeSet db/dbchangelog.xml::deletetablehans::stimpson ran successfully in 0ms
2021-01-25 15:43:50,709 INFO liquibase.lockservice : Successfully released change log lock
I do not care why the language changes, but when i look at the database, I see that the table named Hans is still there. But why? I did try with an explicit commit and the delimiter in its own line, but i do not understand the outcome? This is my liquibase.properties file:
This is the only data row in the databasechangelog table in DB:
deletetablehans stimpson db/dbchangelog.xml 2021-01-25 15:49:05 1 EXECUTED 8:90e2fa99c6beeace580e429bd2bf9ae3 sqlFile 4.2.2
I have a working solution to your problem
I wonder if the case difference between deletetablehans and deleteTableHans could have an impact on the execution of the changeset
According to the liquibase supported databases, when using dbms for postgre you should use the value postgresql while you used postgre
Do you have any specific reason to use a changeset inside of an SQL file to do the drop action ? I can see at least two alternatives if no one can bring you a valid solution
Alternative 1: Use sql instead of sqlFile
<changeSet author="stimpson" id="deletetablehans">
<sql dbms="postgresql">
Alternative 2: Use liquibase dropTable
<changeSet author="stimpson" id="deletetablehans">
<dropTable tableName="HANS" />