
How do I loop over hosts identified by wildcards in Ansible?

Below is my playbook that works fine.

- hosts: "PROD_SERVERS"
  user: "{{ USER }}"


       - name: Check if all hosts are reachable
           msg: "Server is UNREACHABLE."
         when: "hostvars[item].ansible_facts|list|length == 0"
         with_items: "{{ groups.PROD_SERVERS }}"

However, can you help me with the syntax when the host is presented as wildcard i.e {{ ENV }}_*?

- hosts: "{{ ENV }}_*"
  user: "{{ USER }}"


       - name: Check if all hosts are reachable
           msg: "Server is UNREACHABLE."
         when: "hostvars[item].ansible_facts|list|length == 0"
         with_items: "{{ groups.{{ ENV }}_* }}" # <------- Need help with this part of the code


  • There are special variables also called as "magic variables" to identify the hosts in the current play. They are:

    You can use one of these variables to loop with instead of the inventory group name.

    Example with ansible_play_hosts:

        - fail:
            msg: "Server is UNREACHABLE."
          when: hostvars[item].ansible_facts|list|length == 0
          with_items: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}"


    Changed the example for Ansible version "2.4.x", the loop should be performed with with_items rather than loop. Quoting from official documentation

    We added loop in Ansible 2.5. It is not yet a full replacement for with_<lookup>, but we recommend it for most use cases.

    Note: For Ansible "2.9.16" and "2.10.2" loop works as well.