
What permissions need to be included for AWS step function role to enable X-ray?

I'm currently looking at some resource on how to enable X-ray for my stepfunction statemachine, from this tutorial:

"When you enable X-Ray for an existing state machine, you must ensure that you have an IAM policy that grants sufficient permissions for X-Ray to perform traces. You can either add one manually, or generate one. For more information, see the IAM policy section for X-Ray."

There are so many permissions for X-ray, I wonder which ones I need? I'd like to add them to my step function role manually, but I don't want to add all of them including the unneeded ones.


  • Following links will guide you based on your use-case:

    1. Basic IAM permissions policy, I would suggest to start with this. Then reduce/add based on your use-cases.

    2. How AWS X-Ray works with IAM, a bit in details.

    Furthermore, you can use AWS Policy Generator to make things easy. Here, AWS X-Ray actions are listed under Type of Policy as IAM Policy