I have a protobuf message with non-consecutive enum values something like this:
message Information {
enum Versions {
version1 = 0;
version2 = 1;
version3 = 10;
version4 = 20;
version5 = 30;
I want to have a C++ function GetNextVersion() which takes in one enum version and gives the next version as output. For eg: GetNextVersion(Information::version4) should give Information::version5 as output. Is there any inbuilt and easy method to do this?
You can use protobuf's reflection to achieve the goal:
Information::Versions GetNextVersion(Information::Versions ver) {
const auto *desc = Information::Versions_descriptor();
auto cur_idx = desc->FindValueByNumber(ver)->index();
if (cur_idx >= desc->value_count() - 1) {
throw runtime_error("no next enum");
auto next_idx = cur_idx + 1;
return Information::Versions(desc->value(next_idx)->number());
int main() {
try {
auto ver = Information::version1;
while (true) {
cout << ver << endl;
ver = GetNextVersion(ver);
} catch (const runtime_error &e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 0;