
Google Reports API not giving Google Meet event participants joined time and leaving time

I have a requirement to get the details of the google meet event. I am looking for join time and leaving of the participants of the completed google meet event.

What I tried:

I followed this doc https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reports/v1/quickstart/dotnet and created service credential and I am able to get the activities of a particular user. Here is the doc for that gives details about the parameters returned for an activity https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reports/v1/appendix/activity/meet

but the parameters I am interested in(participants join time and leaving time) are not available.

Is there an API to get only particular event stats like meeting time, join time, leaving time etc?

FYI: I donot have any problem running the code, I am able to get the activities of the event.

Thanks in advance


  • After analyzing the audit logs for Google meet and also Gmeet Quality tool, the audit records has DateTime field can be considered as the Participant Joining time and the duration property in the payload can be added to the joining time to get the leaving time. If there are multiple dropout and joins, you will get those many records for that Participants.