I am having trouble getting the correct values for a small custom context menu. When setting the styles via ngStyle
. When doing it like below the componen will be rendered correctly, but the console.log
will show the wrong values (-9999px
) for the actual position of the element.
I do not want to hack it with something like setTimeout. Is there a better way to do this, or is it possibile to listen to the stylechange!?
<div class="context-menu" style="position: fixed; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; z-index: 99999" [ngStyle]="contextMenuStyles" #contextMenu></div>
Class XXX {
onContextmenu($event: MouseEvent) {
const top = `${$event.y}px`;
const left = `${$event.x}px`;
this.contextMenuStyles = {top, left};
I don't know WHY this happens, but it can be fixed when setting the styles via renderer2.
So instead of [ngStyle] and this.contextMenuStyles = ... i simply use:
this.renderer.setStyle(this.contextMenu.nativeElement, 'top', top);
this.renderer.setStyle(this.contextMenu.nativeElement, 'left', left);
This can be done in a more elegant way using a helper function for multiple styles. Like this for example:
Class XXX {
constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}
onContextmenu($event: MouseEvent) {
const setStyles = <DomElement, StyleObj>(domEl: DomElement, styles: StyleObj) => {
Object.keys(styles).forEach((styleName) => {
this.renderer.setStyle(domEl, styleName, styles[styleName]);
setStyles(this.contextMenu.nativeElement, {
top: `${$event.y}px`,
left: `${$event.x}px`,