
Is there a way of code folding the properties just like functions in Xcode?

I like to work with code folding by using option + command + right or left key bindings. It is appearing to me more readable at first glance, especially for long classes.

Let me explain with an example, suppose we have a class:

func someFunction(input: String) -> Bool {
    // if you click command option left arrow , case 1 

func someFunction(input: String) -> Bool {} // it is being like this, case 2. Perfect.

//MARK - Properties
var x: String = "a"
var y: Int = 3
var z: Double = 3.0 // the property list could be longer,

properties: i want to see something like this, at least at one line but but could not find a way

This is okay for methods or class as they have {}, but what about properties? Is there a way of folding them in the same way or a tricky way? (But I don't want to affect my code performance as well.)


  • I'm afraid the best you can do is to move the properties off into another type (i.e. a struct). You can keep that struct definition in another file or, if it is in this file, you can fold that:

    enter image description here

    Imagine there are 100 properties; they would all be inside the Props struct and could be declared in another file or, as in the screen shot, hidden by folding.

    Making a sequence of properties foldable sounds like a reasonable enhancement request but I doubt it would actually happen; I've never seen an IDE that does this (though I don't get out much so who knows, maybe such a thing exists).