I am making a raytracer, im trying to use pthread to divide the rendering. i noticed that isnt helping with the speed because the function pthread_join is to slow, if i use a loop to make the 'await' is way faster and works almost every time fine. But i cant use that because the time of rendering changes with the scene. Is there a way to check if a thread is finished, on a more efficient way. This is the code. `
int threats(t_file *c) //this function creates the threads
int i;
int err;
pthread_t th[THREADS];
i = 0;
c->thread = -1;
mlx_clear_window(c->mlx_ptr, c->win_ptr);
while (i < THREADS)
err = pthread_create(&th[i], 0, (void *)paint_scene, (void *)c);
if (err)
return parse_error("Thread Error: CAN NOT CREATE THREAD");
// while (i-- >= 0)
// pthread_join(th[i], 0);
//my await function xd
while (i < 200000000)
mlx_put_image_to_window(c->mlx_ptr, c->win_ptr, c->img.mlx_img, 0, 0);
c->thread = 0;
return 1;
void paint_scene(void *a)
int y;
int x;
t_ray ray;
int color;
t_file *c;
c = (t_file *)a;
color = 0;
y = (c->thread * (c->win_heigth / THREADS));
printf("y:%d,hilo%d\n", y, c->thread);
while (y < (c->thread + 1) * (c->win_heigth / THREADS))
x = 0;
while (x < c->win_width)
ray = generate_ray(x, y, *c);
color = get_intersections(&ray, c);
if (c->ligth)
color = shading(&ray, color, c);
my_mlx_pixel_put(&c->img, x, y, color);
//ft_printf("\rLoading%d: %d%%", c->thread, y / (c->win_heigth / 100));
You have a concurrency problem here in your thread function:
y = (c->thread * (c->win_heigth / THREADS));
printf("y:%d,hilo%d\n", y, c->thread);
while (y < (c->thread + 1) * (c->win_heigth / THREADS))
is shared between all threads, and based on likely thread timings and current face of the moon, I can make an educated guess and say that the first thread is calculating the whole image. When starting up, the first thread might see c->thread == -1
, but later (if thread startup is faster than the while
loop) other thread increase the value until the first thread sees c->thread == THREADS-1
To fix this, each call to create_thread
must pass a pointer to a unique parameter object that holds that threads id. So remove the thread
member from t_file
. It probably serves no purpose there. And create a type of struct
that holds the parameters to the thread function:
struct thread_param
unsigned int thread;
file_t *c;
You use it like this when starting threads:
struct thread_param params[THREADS];
while (i < THREADS)
params[i].thread = i;
params[i].c = c;
err = pthread_create(&th[i], 0, (void *)paint_scene, (void *)&(params[i]));
if (err)
return parse_error("Thread Error: CAN NOT CREATE THREAD");
And you access the data in your thread function:
void paint_scene(void *a)
struct thread_param *param = (struct thread_param *)a;
unsigned int thread = param->thread;
t_file *c = param->c;
in the rest of the code you remove `c->thread++`
and replace `c->thread` with `thread`