I have a data model class CategoryModel:
data class CategoryModel (val name: String, val items: ArrayList<String>) : java.io.Serializable {}
And I am trying to use Serialize so I can store the data from this class into a Bundle to be shared with another class:
private fun displayCategoryItems(cat: CategoryModel) {
val categoryItemsIntent = Intent(this, CategoryItemsActivity::class.java)
val data: String = Json.encodeToString(cat)
categoryItemsIntent.putExtra(categoryObjKey, data)
I've noticed it has started doing wonky things with array brackets, and it looks like when i try to deserialize it, the items ArrayList is being converted to a string. So instead of
"items": "[1, 2]"
I get
"items":["[1, [2]]"]
What am I doing wrong?
Just put the object that implements Serializable in the extras like:
private fun displayCategoryItems(cat: CategoryModel) {
val categoryItemsIntent = Intent(this,
putExtra(categoryObjKey, data)
or pass like this:
private fun displayCategoryItems(cat: Any) {
val categoryItemsIntent = Intent(this,
putExtra(categoryObjKey, cat as CategoryModel)