
UWP - AppShell.xmal - MUXC:NavigationViewItem - List of available Icons (not costume made)

Currently, I am working on a solution Universal Windows (C#/xaml), where the namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls is used.

                Content="{x:Bind Label}" 
                ToolTipService.ToolTip="{x:Bind Label`}"
                Content="{x:Bind Label1}" 
                ToolTipService.ToolTip="{x:Bind Label1}"

As one can see, the Icon takes a string value which is expected by NavigationViewItem and return an Icon object on the GUI, as part of the navigation view. Hence, no costume icon I had to add to the solution/project.

I have failed to find a reference to all possible list of Icons on-line, so, I could use Windows natural assets, instead of creating new icons all the time.

Is there any chance anyone here has found that list?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards


  • You could find the complete list of icon names from Symbol enumeration then use it like the following.

    <NavigationViewItem x:Name="ExpensesRecordsMenuItem" Content="item1" Icon="CalendarDay"/>

    If you would like to use a glyph from the Segoe MDL2 Assets font that is not included in the Symbol enumeration, then use a FontIcon like following.

                    <NavigationViewItem x:Name="ExpensesRecordsMenuItem" Content="item1">
                            <FontIcon FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Glyph="&#xE790;"/>