
Trouble getting Salesforce login working with dj-rest-auth + django-allauth

My app has a Django 3.1 backend with django-allauth and dj-rest-auth (actively supported fork of django-rest-auth).

My mobile and web frontends can already sign in using Facebook and Google via REST. I'm now trying to add Salesforce as a 3rd REST social login method, but am running into issues.

I've followed the django-allauth instructions for Salesforce:

I've been using client-side JSforce to kick off the Salesforce auth request in the frontend, but I'm open to other methods if they are simpler/better/etc.

Running jsforce.browser.login() in my clients' JS code opens a Salesforce login popup. After entering Salesforce login credentials, the Salesforce system redirected to my defined callback URL, resulting in a page that shows the following text:

Social Network Login Failure
An error occurred while attempting to login via your social network account.

The URL in the address bar on that page looks something like this:

I tried to debug and print the error in my backend, but both auth_error.code and auth_error.exception were blank/empty.

I also tried sending the access_token from that URL's hash to my Salesforce API endpoint (see below), but that resulted in a 400 error ("Incorrect value").

Here is how I've defined my SocialLoginViews in my, based on dj-rest-auth's social auth documentation:

from dj_rest_auth.registration.views import SocialLoginView
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.facebook.views import FacebookOAuth2Adapter
from import GoogleOAuth2Adapter
from allauth.socialaccount.providers.salesforce.views import SalesforceOAuth2Adapter

class FacebookLogin(SocialLoginView):
    adapter_class = FacebookOAuth2Adapter

class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView):
    adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter

class SalesforceLogin(SocialLoginView):
    adapter_class = SalesforceOAuth2Adapter


from .views import FacebookLogin, GoogleLogin, SalesforceLogin

urlpatterns = [
    # Sending access_token to the Facebook and Google REST endpoints works,
    # but doing the same for the Salesforce REST endpoint does not (400 error: "Incorrect value")
    url(r'^api/rest-auth/facebook/$', FacebookLogin.as_view(), name='fb_login'),
    url(r'^api/rest-auth/google/$', GoogleLogin.as_view(), name='google_login'),
    url(r'^api/rest-auth/salesforce/$', SalesforceLogin.as_view(), name='salesforce_login'),

How can Salesforce social auth be made to work in this app?


  • I figured it out and got it working: when posting to my dj-rest-auth Salesforce API endpoint, I was only including access_token in my POST body. I actually need both access_token and key, where key is the Salesforce login URL ("").

    It was indeed in the django-allauth instructions for Salesforce, but I misinterpreted the wording. I now know that it says to require both access_token and key in the POST body.