I am trying to repackage a Visual Studio Code extension into Eclipse Che as a Che-Theia plug-in. The plug-in extracts source code metrics from Ansible files, as shown below:
It does so by executing a command-line of a tool written in Python, namely ansiblemetrics, that must be installed on the user's environment. Therefore, I cannot add that dependency to the VSC extension's package.json. Rather, the user has to install it on the Eclipse Che workspace. Nevertheless, I want that Eclipse Che users do not need to install the dependencies when using the extension. A container looks the way to go.
I have the following Eclipse Che DevFile
Eclipse Che DevFile
apiVersion: 1.0.0
name: python-bd3zh
persistVolumes: 'false'
- name: python-hello-world
location: 'https://github.com/che-samples/python-hello-world.git'
type: git
branch: master
- type: chePlugin
reference: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radon-h2020/radon-plugin-registry/master/radon/radon-defect-predictor/latest/meta.yaml'
alias: radon-dpt
The Eclipse docs says "To repackage a VS Code extension as a Che-Theia plug-in with its own set of dependencies, package the dependencies into a container."
Containers can be added in the chePlugin reference's metadata under the spec
- image:
Therefore, my plugin's metadata (meta.yaml) is as follows:
apiVersion: v2
publisher: radon
name: radon-defect-predictor
version: 0.0.5
type: VS Code extension
displayName: RADON-h2020 Defect Predictor
title: A Defect Predictor for Infrastructure-as-Code by RADON
description: A customized extension for analyzing the defectiveness of IaC blueprints
icon: https://www.eclipse.org/che/images/logo-eclipseche.svg
repository: https://github.com/radon-h2020/radon-defect-prediction-plugin
category: Other
- image: stefadp/radon-dpt-plugin
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radon-h2020/radon-defect-prediction-plugin/master/radon-defect-predictor-0.0.5.vsix
where the image stefadp/radon-dpt-plugin was built upon the following Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev \
&& cd /usr/local/bin \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/python3 python \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip
RUN pip3 install ansiblemetrics
However, when I run the workspace in Eclipse Che, I observe the following error:
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-plugin-metadata-broker:v3.4.0"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-plugin-metadata-broker:v3.4.0"
Created container
Started container
Starting plugin metadata broker
List of plugins and editors to install
- radon/radon-defect-predictor/0.0.6 - A customized extension for analyzing the defectiveness of IaC blueprints
- eclipse/che-workspace-telemetry-woopra-plugin/0.0.1 - Telemetry plugin to send information to Woopra
- eclipse/che-machine-exec-plugin/7.24.2 - Che Plug-in with che-machine-exec service to provide creation terminal or tasks for Eclipse Che workspace containers.
- eclipse/che-theia/7.24.2 - Eclipse Theia
All plugin metadata has been successfully processed
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-theia-endpoint-runtime-binary:7.24.2"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-theia-endpoint-runtime-binary:7.24.2"
Created container
Started container
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-plugin-artifacts-broker:v3.4.0"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-plugin-artifacts-broker:v3.4.0"
Created container
Started container
Starting plugin artifacts broker
Cleaning /plugins dir
Processing plugin radon/radon-defect-predictor/0.0.6
Installing plugin extension 1/1
Downloading plugin from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/radon-h2020/radon-plugin-registry/master/radon/radon-defect-predictor/0.0.6/radon-defect-predictor-0.0.6.vsix
Saving log of installed plugins
All plugin artifacts have been successfully downloaded
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-jwtproxy:0.10.0"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-jwtproxy:0.10.0"
Created container
Started container
pulling image "stefadp/radon-dpt-plugin"
Successfully pulled image "stefadp/radon-dpt-plugin"
Created container
Started container
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-workspace-telemetry-woopra-plugin:latest"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-workspace-telemetry-woopra-plugin:latest"
Created container
Started container
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-machine-exec:7.24.2"
Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-machine-exec:7.24.2"
Created container
Started container
pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-theia:7.24.2"
Error: Failed to run the workspace: "The following containers have terminated:
nt0: reason = 'Completed', exit code = 0, message = 'null'"
Do you have any hint?
You have to customize your docker image to work in the sidecar container. As an example you can take a look at images which are already used in Che in sidecars: https://github.com/eclipse/che-plugin-registry/blob/master/CONTRIBUTE.md#sidecars
Try to create next structure:
The content of entrypoint.sh
set -e
set -x
USER_ID=$(id -u)
export USER_ID
GROUP_ID=$(id -g)
export GROUP_ID
if ! whoami >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "${USER_NAME:-user}:x:${USER_ID}:0:${USER_NAME:-user} user:${HOME}:/bin/sh" >> /etc/passwd
# Grant access to projects volume in case of non root user with sudo rights
if [ "${USER_ID}" -ne 0 ] && command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 && sudo -n true > /dev/null 2>&1; then
sudo chown "${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID}" /projects
exec "$@"
and the Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest
ENV HOME=/home/theia
RUN mkdir /projects ${HOME} && \
# Change permissions to let any arbitrary user
for f in "${HOME}" "/etc/passwd" "/projects"; do \
echo "Changing permissions on ${f}" && chgrp -R 0 ${f} && \
chmod -R g+rwX ${f}; \
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev \
&& cd /usr/local/bin \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/python3 python \
&& pip3 install --upgrade pip
RUN pip3 install ansiblemetrics
ADD etc/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT [ "/entrypoint.sh" ]
Then build this Dockerfile and use it in your plugin meta.yaml