
find minimum sum of non-neighbouring K entries inside an array

Given an integer array A of size N, find minimum sum of K non-neighboring entries (entries cant be adjacent to one another, for example, if K was 2, you cant add A[2], A[3] and call it minimum sum, even if it was, because those are adjacent/neighboring to one another), example:

A[] = {355, 46, 203, 140, 28}, k = 2, result would be 74 (46 + 28)

A[] = {9, 4, 0, 9, 14, 7, 1}, k = 3, result would be 10 (9 + 0 + 1)

The problem is somewhat similar to House Robber on leetcode, except instead of finding maximum sum of non-adjacent entries, we are tasked to find the minimum sum and with constraint K entries.

From my prespective, this is clearly a dynamic programming problem, so i tried to break down the problem recursively and implemented something like this:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int minimal_k(vector<int>& nums, int i, int k)
    if (i == 0) return nums[0];
    if (i < 0 || !k) return 0;
    return min(minimal_k(nums, i - 2, k - 1) + nums[i], minimal_k(nums, i - 1, k));
int main()
    // example above
    vector<int> nums{9, 4, 0, 9, 14, 7, 1};
    cout << minimal_k(nums, nums.size() - 1, 3);
    // output is 4, wrong answer

This was my attempt at the solution, I have played around a lot with this but no luck, so what would be a solution to this problem?


  • This line:

    if (i < 0 || !k) return 0;

    If k is 0, you should probably return return 0. But if i < 0 or if the effective length of the array is less than k, you probably need to return a VERY LARGE value such that the summed result goes higher than any valid solution.

    In my solution, I have the recursion return INT_MAX as a long long when recursing into an invalid subset or when k exceeds the remaining length.

    And as with any of these dynamic programming and recursion problems, a cache of results so that you don't repeat the same recursive search will help out a bunch. This will speed things up by several orders of magnitude for very large input sets.

    Here's my solution.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    // the "cache" is a map from offset to another map
    // that tracks k to a final result.
    typedef unordered_map<size_t, unordered_map<size_t, long long>> CACHE_MAP;
    bool get_cache_result(const CACHE_MAP& cache, size_t offset, size_t k, long long& result);
    void insert_into_cache(CACHE_MAP& cache, size_t offset, size_t k, long long result);
    long long minimal_k_impl(const vector<int>& nums, size_t offset, size_t k, CACHE_MAP& cache)
        long long result = INT_MAX;
        size_t len = nums.size();
        if (k == 0)
            return 0;
        if (offset >= len)
            return INT_MAX; // exceeded array boundary, return INT_MAX
        size_t effective_length = len - offset;
        // If we have more k than remaining elements, return INT_MAX to indicate
        // that this recursion is invalid
        // you might be able to reduce to checking (effective_length/2+1 < k)
        if ( (effective_length < k)  ||  ((effective_length == k) && (k != 1)) )
            return INT_MAX;
        if (get_cache_result(cache, offset, k, result))
            return result;
        long long sum1 = nums[offset] + minimal_k_impl(nums, offset + 2, k - 1, cache);
        long long sum2 = minimal_k_impl(nums, offset + 1, k, cache);
        result = std::min(sum1, sum2);
        insert_into_cache(cache, offset, k, result);
        return result;
    long long minimal_k(const vector<int>& nums, size_t k)
        CACHE_MAP cache;
        return minimal_k_impl(nums, 0, k, cache);
    bool get_cache_result(const CACHE_MAP& cache, size_t offset, size_t k, long long& result)
        // effectively this code does this:
        // result = cache[offset][k]
        bool ret = false;
        auto itor1 = cache.find(offset);
        if (itor1 != cache.end())
            auto& inner_map = itor1->second;
            auto itor2 = inner_map.find(k);
            if (itor2 != inner_map.end())
                ret = true;
                result = itor2->second;
        return ret;
    void insert_into_cache(CACHE_MAP& cache, size_t offset, size_t k, long long result)
        cache[offset][k] = result;
    int main()
        vector<int> nums1{ 355, 46, 203, 140, 28 };
        vector<int> nums2{ 9, 4, 0, 9, 14, 7, 1 };
        vector<int> nums3{8,6,7,5,3,0,9,5,5,5,1,2,9,-10};
        long long result = minimal_k(nums1,  2);
        std::cout << result << std::endl;
        result = minimal_k(nums2, 3);
        std::cout << result << std::endl;
        result = minimal_k(nums3, 3);
        std::cout << result << std::endl;
        return 0;