
How to access kube-scheduler on a kubernetes cluster?

I'm trying to figure out how to configure the kubernetes scheduler using a custom config but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding exactly how the scheduler is accessible.

The scheduler runs as a pod under the kube-system namespace called kube-scheduler-it-k8s-master. The documentation says that you can configure the scheduler by creating a config file and calling kube-scheduler --config <filename>. However I am not able to access the scheduler container directly as running kubectl exec -it kube-scheduler-it-k8s-master -- /bin/bash returns:

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: exec: "/bin/bash": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory: unknown
command terminated with exit code 126

I tried modifying /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler to mount my custom config file within the pod and explicitly call kube-scheduler with the --config option set, but it seems that my changes get reverted and the scheduler runs using the default settings.

I feel like I'm misunderstanding something fundamentally about the kubernetes scheduler. Am I supposed to pass in the custom scheduler config from within the scheduler pod itself? Or is this supposed to be done remotely somehow?



  • Since your X problem is "how to modify scheduler configuration", you can try the following for it.

    Using kubeadm

    If you are using kubeadm to bootstrap the cluster, you can use --config flag while running kubeadm init to pass a custom configuration object of type ClusterConfiguration to pass extra arguments to control plane components.

    Example config for scheduler:

    $ cat sched.conf
    apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2
    kind: ClusterConfiguration
    kubernetesVersion: v1.16.0
        config: /home/johndoe/schedconfig.yaml
        kubeconfig: /home/johndoe/kubeconfig.yaml
    $ kubeadm init --config sched.conf

    You could also try kubeadm upgrade apply --config sched.conf <k8s version> to apply updated config on a live cluster.

    Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/control-plane-flags/

    Updating static pod manifest

    You could also edit /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml, modify the flags to pass the config. Make sure you mount the file into the pod by updating volumes and volumeMounts section.

      - command:
        - kube-scheduler
        - --authentication-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
        - --authorization-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
        - --bind-address=
        - --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
        - --leader-elect=true
        - --config=/etc/kubernetes/mycustomconfig.conf
        - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
          name: kubeconfig
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/mycustomconfig.conf
          name: customconfig
          readOnly: true
      - hostPath:
          path: /etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf
          type: FileOrCreate
        name: kubeconfig
      - hostPath:
          path: /etc/kubernetes/mycustomconfig.conf
          type: FileOrCreate
        name: customconfig