I try to use motion detector to detect shooting star in the video with the example of code UseMotionDetector.cpp. If I use the motion detector with default options than nothing works. I think that may be connected with small object size, its fast speed, or big noise. The motions detector has a big amount of parameters (and also this) but I have no experience in using of any motion detector.
So I have some questions:
Thank in advance!
I have analysed your video and there are some troubles which don allow to work Simd::Motion::Detector properly with default settings. And you have already listed most of them above:
In order to solve these troubles I changed following parameters of motion detector:
To detect objects of small size I decreased minimal object size in model:
Model model;
model.size = FSize(0.01, 0.01); // By default it is equal to FSize(0.1, 0.1).
To reduce influence of fast motion:
Options options;
options.TrackingAdditionalLinking = 5; // Boosts binding of trajectory.
To resolve trouble of short object existence time:
options.ClassificationShiftMin = 0.01; // Decreases minimal shift of object to be detected.
options.ClassificationTimeMin = 0.01; // Decreases minimal life time of object to be detected.
To reduce big noise:
options.DifferenceDxFeatureWeight = 0; // Turns off gradient along X axis feature.
options.DifferenceDyFeatureWeight = 0; // Turns off gradient along Y axis feature.
And it works! I hope that I helped you.