I see both angle brackets and curly braces used in PHP docblocks used when typehinting arrays.
* @return array<name:int,link:string,items:array<class:string,active:bool>>
*@return array{name:string,active:bool}
I've tried to find something on this type of type hinting in docblocks in the documentation, but found nothing.
Can anyone clear this up for me.
So after some consulting with a colleague, he explained it roughly as follows:
When you are type hinting an array in a php docblock you use the angle brackets <>
to indicate types at different indices in the array.
You use curly braces {}
for associative arrays where you specify the keys and types their values have.
* Only angle brackets:
* @return array<int,string,bool>
* A combination of curly braces and angle brackets
* @return array{name:string,active:bool,items:array<int,string,bool>}
For anyone who had the same question