The connection is created by the below method
import com.j256.ormlite.jdbc.JdbcConnectionSource;
ConnectionSource connectionSource =
new JdbcConnectionSource(url + databaseName + "?currentSchema=trial&useSSL=false",
userName, password);
How to set timeout while creating connection in ormlite ConnectionSource?
Right now there is unfortunately no way to set a timeout on the connection. I would recommend using a database connection pool to give you this functionality. You can use Apache's DBCP, HikariCP, or others.
To quote from the docs on pooled connection sources:
There are many other, external data sources that can be used instead, including more robust and probably higher-performance pooled connection managers. You can instantiate your own directly and wrap it in the DataSourceConnectionSource class which delegates to it.
// basic Apache data source BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); String databaseUrl = "jdbc:h2:mem:account"; dataSource.setUrl(databaseUrl); // we wrap it in the DataSourceConnectionSource ConnectionSource connectionSource = new DataSourceConnectionSource(dataSource, databaseUrl);