I'm just trying to use BelongsTo
relationship to retrieve the records,
Here is the scheme:
- id
- title
- id
- Role_ID
I'm using SQL Server
for Database so the Role_ID
can pointed as role_id
I think :D.
and here is the code for the belongs to relationship in User
public function role()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Role');
I also have tried like this:
public function role()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Role', 'id', 'Role_ID');
But whatever the parameters are it doesn't work and when I get the Query log, it looks like as:
bindings: []
query: "select * from [roles] where 0 = 1"
time: 1.49
Here is how I try to access the relation in the Controller
I'm just fighting with this problem for many times but don't know where the issue is.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks everybody.
You have to include the foreign key in get() columns
User::with(['role'])->get(Role_ID, OthersColumns)