I've come to a dead-end with my troubleshooting, and I'm really hoping someone can help.
I'm using rack-mini-profiler to help locate a potential memory leak in my Rails website. I narrowed it down to the method that is being called.
High-level profile: rack-mini-profiler high-level
SQL profile: rack-mini-profiler results
In the SQL profile picture, notice the start times of the query just above and just below the gray bar have a difference of 1037ms. That is the delay I am noticing, and it grows until I restart the application.
When running this locally, I can monitor the terminal. When that method is requested, there is just that 1 second delay, and then it executes. No queries or commands show up in the terminal during that delay.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can figure out what is causing this delay?
I'm using Ruby 2.2.0 with Rails 4.1.6.
This is the method rack-mini-profiler is pointing to:
def submit_answer
quiz_attempt = CourseCompletion.find_by_id(params[:course_completion_id]).quiz_started
choice = Choice.new(:answer_id => params[:answer], :quiz_attempt_id => quiz_attempt.id)
@success = choice.save
@answer = choice.answer
@question = @answer.question
@quiz_attempt = choice.quiz_attempt
render :layout => false
take a look on ruby-prof github.com/ruby-prof/ruby-prof. Try to wrap body of your action into the block:
require 'ruby-prof'
# profile the code
# ... code to profile ...
result = RubyProf.stop
# print a flat profile to text
printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result)
and you should receive output in console which would look like:
You also can redirect output of profiler to log or some file on the server.
So in your case edit code:
def submit_answer
require 'ruby-prof'
# profile the code
quiz_attempt = CourseCompletion.find_by_id(params[:course_completion_id]).quiz_started
choice = Choice.new(:answer_id => params[:answer], :quiz_attempt_id => quiz_attempt.id)
@success = choice.save
@answer = choice.answer
@question = @answer.question
@quiz_attempt = choice.quiz_attempt
render :layout => false
result = RubyProf.stop
# print a flat profile to text
printer = RubyProf::FlatPrinter.new(result)
Add to gemfile
gem 'ruby-prof'
Run bundle install
and restart the server. Try to run action again and check rails console output. Methods on top of the table are most time consuming.