I have this MCVE:
<input type="text" name="price" placeholder="Price" id="price">
'SfdCurrency': {
alias: "numeric", /* can be also decimal */
digits: 2,
digitsOptional: false,
radixPoint: ",", /* can be also . */
alias: 'SfdCurrency',
On iPhone [10 & 11 & 12] the pure numeric keyboard is shown [see the below screenshot] which doesn't have the comma which means that in order to enter digits after the comma the user has to click "behind" the comma. Android shows a keyboard with comma so any decimal number can be entered without an additional click after the comma sign.
My question:
What am I doing wrong because iPhone doesn't show a keyboard with comma for a decimal number?
Robin answered me in the Github issue section:
Can you set the
option todecimal
Yes, this fixed the problem and the comma appears now also on the iPhone keyboard.