
What's wrong with this TA-Lib function call?

I'm trying to call TA-lib's ADX function, which according to its documentation, has the following parameters:

ADX(high, low, close[, timeperiod=?])

    Average Directional Movement Index (Momentum Indicators)

        prices: ['high', 'low', 'close']
        timeperiod: 14

I am calling it like so:

from talib import abstract

params = {'timeperiod': 14}

indicator_fn = abstract.Function('ADX')

val = indicator_fn(0.5, 0.2, 0.3, **params)


But it fails with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/stark/Work/test/", line 11, in <module>
    val = indicator_fn(0.5, 0.2, 0.3, **params)
  File "talib/_abstract.pxi", line 398, in talib._ta_lib.Function.__call__
  File "talib/_abstract.pxi", line 277, in talib._ta_lib.Function.set_function_args
  File "talib/_abstract.pxi", line 462, in talib._ta_lib.Function.__check_opt_input_value
TypeError: Invalid parameter value for timeperiod (expected int, got float)

It doesn't seem to make sense to me. timeperiod is clearly an int, no?

If I attempt to call it like so:

val = indicator_fn([0.5, 0.2, 0.3], timeperiod=14)

it fails with TypeError: Invalid parameter value for timeperiod (expected int, got list)

If I try

val = indicator_fn(prices=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3], timeperiod=14)

it fails with KeyError: 0.5

If I try:

val = indicator_fn(prices={'high': 0.5, 'low': 0.2, 'close': 0.3}, timeperiod=14)

it fails with TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

Any insights here are greatly appreciated!


  • The 3 first args have to be arrays, e.g:

    val = indicator_fn(np.asarray([0.5]), np.asarray([0.2]), np.asarray([0.3]), timeperiod=14)

    According to the tests, indicator_fn = abstract.Function('ADX', timeperiod=14) might solve the issue as well.

    The error message you're getting is indeed very misleading, you might want to report that to the dev.