Following and adapting this blog post, I've been trying to produce a solution which should allow testing of a function which reads env vars (using System.Environment.lookupEnv).
That way, I should be able to inject an artificial environment for tests which can be read in place of performing the actual IO action.
However, the type check fails when attempting to read the env.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import RIO.Map (Map)
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified System.Environment as E (lookupEnv)
newtype MockEnv m a = MockEnv
{ mockEnv :: ReaderT (Map String String) m a
} deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadTrans)
runMockEnv :: MockEnv m a -> Map String String -> m a
runMockEnv (MockEnv e) = runReaderT e
class Monad m => MonadEnv m where
lookupEnv :: String -> m (Maybe String)
instance MonadEnv IO where
lookupEnv = E.lookupEnv
instance Monad m => MonadEnv (MockEnv m) where
lookupEnv k = Map.lookup k <$> ask
-- ^^^ error occurs here
At the site of "ask" above, the following error is produced:
/home/[REDACTED].hs:45:34: error:
• Could not deduce (MonadReader (Map String String) (MockEnv m))
arising from a use of ‘ask’
from the context: Monad m
bound by the instance declaration
at [REDACTED].hs:44:10-40
• In the second argument of ‘(<$>)’, namely ‘ask’
In the expression: Map.lookup k <$> ask
In an equation for ‘lookupEnv’: lookupEnv k = Map.lookup k <$> ask
45 | lookupEnv k = Map.lookup k <$> ask
| ^^^
-- While building package [REDACTED]
Please could you help me understand why this fails to type check and what I need to do to fix it? Thanks in advance.
The types don't look like they match up. We have:
lookupEnv :: String -> MockEnv m (Maybe String)
k :: String
ask :: MonadReader r m => m r
Map.lookup :: Map.lookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup k :: Map String a -> Maybe a
So, this all means we need the bit where you currently have ask
to be of type MockEnv m (Map String a)
. The simplest solution is to wrap up ask
with your MockEnv
newtype wrapper. For instance, the following works:
lookupEnv k = Map.lookup k <$> MockEnv ask
The more robust solution (and the one that GHC hints at with its suggestion that you need a MonadReader
instance) is to let MockEnv m
be an instance of MonadReader
instance Monad m => MonadReader (Map String String) (MockEnv m) where
ask = MockEnv ask
local f (MockEnv r) = MockEnv (local f r)
With this instance, your instance definition for MonadEnv (MockEnv m)
works fine.