
PostgreSQL Format Timestamp with Timezone Offset (Australia/Sydney) as JSON/String

I would like to get a JSON object in Postgres that display timestamp with Australia/Sydney timezone offset (+10:00 or +11:00 during daylight saving), for example I would like json object returned with following values:


But when I use either to_json() or to_char() the timestamp value returned is UTC with offset +00:00

select to_json(current_timestamp::timestamptz),
to_char(current_timestamp::timestamptz, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS:MSOF')


I have tried to add "at time zone 'AEDT'" but it shifts the timestamp value and keep the offset to +00:00.



  • to_json formats according to the current time zone setting of the session. I suggest that you set the session time zone to Australia/Sydney first.

    set time zone 'Australia/Sydney';
    select to_json('2021-01-31T07:47:22.895+00'::timestamptz);

    Yields 2021-01-31T18:47:22.895+11:00 which I guess is what you need.