I have a problem. In my project I get a text and send this text to remote API in .txt file. Now the program does this: getting a text, saving a text in a .txt file in filesystem, uploading a .txt file to remote API. Unfortunately, remote API accepts only files, I can't send plain text in request.
//get the wallPost with the field text
fs.writeFileSync(`./tmp/${wallPostId}.txt`, wallPost.text)
UPD: In function uploadFileFromStorage, I made a PUT request to remote api with writing a file. Remote API is API of cloud storage which can save only files.
const uploadFileFromStorage = (path, filePath) =>{
let pathEncoded = encodeURIComponent(path)
const requestUrl = `https://cloud-api.yandex.net/v1/disk/resources/upload?&path=%2F${pathEncoded}`
const options = {
headers: headers
axios.get(requestUrl, options)
.then((response) => {
const uploadUrl = response.data.href
const headersUpload = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `${auth_type} ${access_token}`
const uploadOptions = {
headers: headersUpload
).then(response =>
console.log('uploadingFile: data '+response.status+" "+response.statusText)
).catch((error) =>
console.log('error uploadFileFromStorage '+ +error.status+" "+error.statusText)
But i guess in the future such a process will be slow. I want to create and upload a .txt file in RAM memory (without writing on drive). Thanks for your time.
You're using the Yandex Disk API, which expects files because that's what it's for: it explicitly stores files on a remote disk.
So, if you look at that code, the part that supplies the file content is supplied via fs.createReadStream(filePath)
, which is a Stream. The function doesn't care what builds that stream, it just cares that it is a stream, so build your own from your in-memory data:
const { Readable } = require("stream");
const streamContent = [wallPost.text];
const pretendFileStream = Readable.from(streamContent);
).then(response =>
console.log('uploadingFile: data '+response.status+" "+response.statusText)
Although I don't see anything in your code that tells the Yandex Disk API what the filename is supposed to be, but I'm sure that's just because you edited the post for brevity.