
Add new value to row based on content of previous row

I'm looking to do what I thought would be a simple task. I have a large dataset that is created on various if conditions in python. Such as:

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if int(row['Fog_Event']) >= 4:
  [index, 'Fog_Event_determine'] = 'Fog'
        elif int(row['Fog_Event']) == 3:
  [index, 'Fog_Event_determine'] = 'Dust'
        elif int(row['Fog_Event']) == 2:
  [index, 'Fog_Event_determine'] = 'Dust'
  [index, 'Fog_Event_determine'] = 'Background'

These work perfectly to do what I want them to do, but there are some issues with the final analysis of the data. To fix the issue I need to add a running threshold value that is based on the results of the previous row. So if Row 1 >=4: then I want row 2 to be +1.

I tried this:

df['Running_threshold'] = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if int(row['Fog_Event']) >= 4:
        df.loc[index[+1], 'Running_threshold'] = 1

But this only adds a 1 to the second row of the index, which makes sense upon looking on it. How can I ask python to add a +1 to every row after the condition ['Fog_Event']) >= 4 is met?

Thank you.


  • df = pd.DataFrame({"Fog_Event":np.random.randint(0, 10,20)})
    df = df.assign(Fog_Event_Determine=np.where(df.Fog_Event>=4, "fog", np.where(df.Fog_Event>=2, "dust", "background"))
            , Running_threshold=np.where(df.Fog_Event.shift()>=4,1,0)
    ).assign(Running_threshold=lambda dfa: dfa.Running_threshold.cumsum())


     Fog_Event Fog_Event_Determine  Running_threshold
             9                 fog                  0
             3                dust                  1
             2                dust                  1
             9                 fog                  1
             7                 fog                  2
             0          background                  3
             4                 fog                  3
             7                 fog                  4
             6                 fog                  5
             9                 fog                  6
             1          background                  7
             6                 fog                  7
             7                 fog                  8
             8                 fog                  9
             6                 fog                 10
             9                 fog                 11
             6                 fog                 12
             2                dust                 13
             7                 fog                 13
             8                 fog                 14